Early childhood impacts EVERYTHING.

Here’s what we KNOW about a child’s early years:

With only 2,000 days between a child’s birth and the first day of Kindergarten, every experience counts in the first five years. It’s in the science! The human brain not only begins the journey at birth to develop vision, hearing, language, and other cognitive functions, but its ability to retain and build on these skills is at its peak in those first few years. Equally important to that foundation are social and emotional skills (or “soft skills” like teamwork, problem solving, and creative thinking) and these too are best learned through play at an early age!

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, parents, and workers, and everyone has a stake in making sure that all children have the experience they need to thrive. Smart Start brings together all the people involved in a young child’s life – families, teachers, doctors, caregivers, social workers and many others – to ensure every child has all they need for healthy growth and development. At Person County Partnership for Children, we are here to deliver these opportunities to local families.


